Saturday, October 14, 2006


Lizzy had her 4 month old check-up yesterday (Can you believe it's already been 4 months?!) and she is a pretty average baby. Not so average to me :). She falls into the 50th percentile for height, weight, and head circumference and developmentally is doing everything a 4 month old should do. She is 13 lbs, 24.8 inches long and her hair continues to grow at all angles and will still not sit down without chemical help. John chose not to go to this doctor's appointment for fear of assaulting the nurse that came in to give the shots so I took her by myself and started thinking about the minds of babies.

One of the questions they asked me is if she vocalizes towards us and if she initiates vocalization. Both answers were yes and I got to thinking about what she would be saying as she goos and gahs at me. I wonder is she is telling me about her day at daycare or telling me that she loves me. And then she smiles and no matter how common place it is to smile I get the biggest grin on my face. And when I tickle her and she laughs I get hysterical. Are all new parents like this?

Do all parent's delight in the mundane of games like peek-a-boo? I find myself telling her about my day even though I know she doesn't understand. A year ago when I first found out I was pregnant nothing in a millian decades could have prepared me for motherhood. No amount of advice, no books, or web pages could have told me that even though it's probably one of the most frightening experiences, parenthood is by far the most rewarding thing anyone can do.

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