I know I haven't posted in a few weeks but life has gotten somewhat crazy. Two weeks ago Lizzy got an ear infection and if you've never been around an infant with an ear infection then pray you never are. I felt so bad for her. Of course she gets sick at 4:00 PM on a Friday when her Doctor closes at 5:00. Luckily they are open on Saturday's but they don't "schedule" appointments - it's all sick visits and they are booked starting at 8:00 am. Both John and I got up early to be out the door at 8 and so after a week of antibiotics and a missed day of work she still wasn't better. Of course this was Thanksgiving week so the daycare is closed 2 days, she misses one day cause she's sick and we still have to pay the entire amount. On Thanksgiving she started to run a fever that didn't go away on Friday so this past Saturday we were back at the doctor's office only to find out that not only had her ear infection not cleared up it had moved to the other ear and since the antibiotics didn't work she would need a different one. Giving medicine to a 5 month old is harder than pilling a cat! She also has a cough at this point and whatever is causing the cough hits me too. I haven't had a head cold in 3 years but now I have a head cold with cough and congestion, I've gone through 40 cough drops and 3 boxes of Anti-Viral Kleenex and now I have a toothache. On top of that I had to work Thanksgiving morning and we decided to host Thanksgiving for my family and John's mom at out apartment this year.
Thanksgiving went smoothly overall and both me and Lizzy are on the mend but I am so ready for a vacation which I can't take until after the new year. I haven't even begun to do any Christmas shopping and I haven't been able to get Lizzy's Christmas dress for her pictures. I think I may get to it this week if I'm lucky.
I hope everyone else is well and had a good Thanksgiving and hopefully I'll get all of my stuff done soon.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Friday, November 17, 2006
Pass the Benadryl Please!
With all the wind over the last few days coupled with the lack of moisture in the airmy allergies have surfaced and have hit me full force. I'm currently into my 3rd box of tissues (Thank God for Sam's bulk buying) and I never leave home without my Benadryl. My eyes are itchy to the point where irrigating solution no longer works and the so called "alergy relief" eye drops burn to high heaven. I mean cuss through your teeth rather step on a tack burn. My eyes look like I've been smoking marijuana for 3 weeks straight and I'm the coughing from drainage doesn't help my persona on that level. On top of that my nose is so raw that blowing it causes it to sting and I have to sneeze more. Agh! On top of everything the only thing that works for me has changed it's label and no longer has the same active ingredient. Damn FDA!
On top of the itchy, buring eyes and the running, sore nose there's the sinus headache that won't go away no matter what I try to take. And of course all of this comes along at the same time Lizzy is teething so I have to leave my burning eyes to burn wwhile I take care of her.. I'l seriously considering seeing my doctor about allergy testing but don't know if I could give myself allergy injections every week.
I can't get tested til January anyways but maybe if my allergies continue to act up I have an excuse to avoid my dental appt on Dec 15th
On top of the itchy, buring eyes and the running, sore nose there's the sinus headache that won't go away no matter what I try to take. And of course all of this comes along at the same time Lizzy is teething so I have to leave my burning eyes to burn wwhile I take care of her.. I'l seriously considering seeing my doctor about allergy testing but don't know if I could give myself allergy injections every week.
I can't get tested til January anyways but maybe if my allergies continue to act up I have an excuse to avoid my dental appt on Dec 15th
Friday, November 03, 2006
Blast From the Past

Lately I've been noticing all the toys that are coming back that I played with as a kid.
For example: Cabbage Patch Dolls, My Little Pony, Care Bears
and while they have been revamped for the new generation of kids I still get tickled everytime I see a commercial. So when I was getting ready for work the other day in my dulled mind I was watching TV and saw a commercial I didn't expect to see in a million years. They have decided to bring back one of the toys I loved the most and played with unti lhe broke (about 6 years straight).
Anyone quess? If you had one of these cute cuddly animated bears you know I'm talking about Teddy Ruxpin. The loveable huggable moral inspiring bear that would read stories as you fell asleep and then went to sleep itself. I love it! And while Lizzy isn't quite old enough to enjoy it I'm thinking of getting one for her for Christmas. If there are any other toys out there that have recently been resurrected share your thoughts. I'd love to hear all about them.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Happy Birthday Mom
I miss you
I’ll always see your face
The corner of your smile
And all the little things that no one will ever know
Like it was yesterday, won’t ever fade away
Goodbye is just a word that I will never say
You will never be forgotten
A million days could pass us by
But what is time but just a dream
Oh I still feel you here with me
You’re more than a memory
Oh you will never be forgotten
I can‘t hold your hand
Or look into your eyes
And when I talk to you
It just echoes in my mind
But If hearts are made of dust
And if we fell from the stars
I look up tonight and know just where you are
You will never be forgotten
A million days could pass us by
But what is time but just a dream
Oh I still feel you here with me
You’re more than a memory
Oh you will never be forgotten
And the world just keeps on going
It has no way of knowing
That you’re gone
You will never be forgotten
A million days could pass us by
But what is time but just a dream
Oh I still feel you here with me
You’re more than a memory
Oh you will never be forgotten
So in light that I work a double tomorrow and we probably won't take Lizzy trick-or-treating anyways we have decided to forgo the Halloween costume for this year and just go with a Halloween outfit. Pictures to be posted soon. But just so you know she was going to be a Tootsie Roll. How cute!
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
okay so I've realized over the last 24 hours that I desperately need a reminder system that actually hits me over the head when I have important events coming up. I've tried the day planner, cell phone, and now I'm trying a system that e-mails me 18 hours prior to the start of the event.
I think I have every event for the next 3 months written down and planned out but someone please let me know if we have anything scheduled for November 4th. I'm almost certain I have something planned but for the life of me can't figure it out. I have Manda's b-day, Stacy's, Katy's, 2 dr's appts, 3 events for work and 1 for john's work and I can't stinkin remember what I'm supposed to do on that Saturday. I seriously need a break but until I get that if we have something planned can you let me know
I think I have every event for the next 3 months written down and planned out but someone please let me know if we have anything scheduled for November 4th. I'm almost certain I have something planned but for the life of me can't figure it out. I have Manda's b-day, Stacy's, Katy's, 2 dr's appts, 3 events for work and 1 for john's work and I can't stinkin remember what I'm supposed to do on that Saturday. I seriously need a break but until I get that if we have something planned can you let me know
Saturday, October 21, 2006
On The Bandwagon
Ok so with my work schedule and taking care of Lizzy I have very little time to actually sit down and watch real television. So I don't have any favorite shows that I can lament over. If I'm lucky enough to actually get five minutes it the TV is usually tuned to something like Disney so Lizzy can be entertained as well.
But on the other hand I'm not desperate enough to record shows I've never seen before to try and get into them also - it's different if you already know you like them. But since I've decided to do the whole Netflix thing I've decided to rent them. Only one season at a time and if I don't like the rest I can just not rent anymore. So I'm starting with Lost - and no I've never seen a single episode. In fact I saw the first 5 minutes of the 1st episode and decided the best part about it was the plane crash. But I';; give it a go and see what everyone sees in it.
If you have any other good ideas let me know. I keep adding to the list everyday and Netflix has just about everything.
But on the other hand I'm not desperate enough to record shows I've never seen before to try and get into them also - it's different if you already know you like them. But since I've decided to do the whole Netflix thing I've decided to rent them. Only one season at a time and if I don't like the rest I can just not rent anymore. So I'm starting with Lost - and no I've never seen a single episode. In fact I saw the first 5 minutes of the 1st episode and decided the best part about it was the plane crash. But I';; give it a go and see what everyone sees in it.
If you have any other good ideas let me know. I keep adding to the list everyday and Netflix has just about everything.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Can I go to bed yet?
I'm tired - so tired in fact I've decided not to spell check this blog to see how many mistakes I make. So I've made one mistake already in calling this a blog instead of a post. My work schedule at this time is Monday evenings, Tuesday and Wednesday all day (surgery on Wednesdays, weekly staff meetings during lunch on Tuesday), thursday mornings and Sunday 10-2 (that's all day while we're open) Sounds like a prety cheezy schedule but i'm exhaused. I get up at 5:30 every mornng feed the baby and get ready to go to work. I'm there at 6:45 and I don't get out of there until 7:30 if I'm there all day so by the time 6:00 rolls around I'm ready to lie in the middle of the lab and sleep until morning.
I've been sitting here with a blank stare on my face deciding on what I wanted to post and this was it :) I'm tired, I need vacation time, I need to go on a date with my husband, I would love to have time to actually do my laundry rather than do a loas here and there when all my work clothes are dirty.
Grant me the strength to put Lizzy to bed tonight and fall asleep and stau asleep. Help me to actually hear my alarm tomorrow mornng and not throw it across the room. Allow me to not strangle any unsuspecting clients tomorrow. That's my little work prayer. I'd sya that it is supposed to get better but unfortunately I still have until the middle of Decembner to do this.
Well i better get going. I need to get Boo to bed and take a shower myself then throw a load of laundry in the washer - go figure all my work clothes are dirty.
And if someone would be so kind to post the number of mistakes I've made it would be geatly appreciated.
I've been sitting here with a blank stare on my face deciding on what I wanted to post and this was it :) I'm tired, I need vacation time, I need to go on a date with my husband, I would love to have time to actually do my laundry rather than do a loas here and there when all my work clothes are dirty.
Grant me the strength to put Lizzy to bed tonight and fall asleep and stau asleep. Help me to actually hear my alarm tomorrow mornng and not throw it across the room. Allow me to not strangle any unsuspecting clients tomorrow. That's my little work prayer. I'd sya that it is supposed to get better but unfortunately I still have until the middle of Decembner to do this.
Well i better get going. I need to get Boo to bed and take a shower myself then throw a load of laundry in the washer - go figure all my work clothes are dirty.
And if someone would be so kind to post the number of mistakes I've made it would be geatly appreciated.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Lizzy had her 4 month old check-up yesterday (Can you believe it's already been 4 months?!) and she is a pretty average baby. Not so average to me :). She falls into the 50th percentile for height, weight, and head circumference and developmentally is doing everything a 4 month old should do. She is 13 lbs, 24.8 inches long and her hair continues to grow at all angles and will still not sit down without chemical help. John chose not to go to this doctor's appointment for fear of assaulting the nurse that came in to give the shots so I took her by myself and started thinking about the minds of babies.
One of the questions they asked me is if she vocalizes towards us and if she initiates vocalization. Both answers were yes and I got to thinking about what she would be saying as she goos and gahs at me. I wonder is she is telling me about her day at daycare or telling me that she loves me. And then she smiles and no matter how common place it is to smile I get the biggest grin on my face. And when I tickle her and she laughs I get hysterical. Are all new parents like this?
Do all parent's delight in the mundane of games like peek-a-boo? I find myself telling her about my day even though I know she doesn't understand. A year ago when I first found out I was pregnant nothing in a millian decades could have prepared me for motherhood. No amount of advice, no books, or web pages could have told me that even though it's probably one of the most frightening experiences, parenthood is by far the most rewarding thing anyone can do.
One of the questions they asked me is if she vocalizes towards us and if she initiates vocalization. Both answers were yes and I got to thinking about what she would be saying as she goos and gahs at me. I wonder is she is telling me about her day at daycare or telling me that she loves me. And then she smiles and no matter how common place it is to smile I get the biggest grin on my face. And when I tickle her and she laughs I get hysterical. Are all new parents like this?
Do all parent's delight in the mundane of games like peek-a-boo? I find myself telling her about my day even though I know she doesn't understand. A year ago when I first found out I was pregnant nothing in a millian decades could have prepared me for motherhood. No amount of advice, no books, or web pages could have told me that even though it's probably one of the most frightening experiences, parenthood is by far the most rewarding thing anyone can do.
Those Mean Old Doctor People
Lizzy had her 4 month old check-up yesterday (Can you believe it's already been 4 months?!) and she is a pretty average baby. Not so average to me :). She falls into the 50th percentile for height, weight, and head circumference and developmentally is doing everything a 4 month old should do. She is 13 lbs, 24.8 inches long and her hair continues to grow at all angles and will still not sit down without chemical help. John chose not to go to this doctor's appointment for fear of assaulting the nurse that came in to give the shots so I took her by myself and started thinking about the minds of babies.
One of the questions they asked me is if she vocalizes towards us and if she initiates vocalization. Both answers were yes and I got to thinking about what she would be saying as she goos and gahs at me. I wonder is she is telling me about her day at daycare or telling me that she loves me. And then she smiles and no matter how common place it is to smile I get the biggest grin on my face. And when I tickle her and she laughs I get hysterical. Are all new parents like this?
Do all parent's delight in the mundane of games like peek-a-boo? I find myself telling her about my day even though I know she doesn't understand. A year ago when I first found out I was pregnant nothing in a millian decades could have prepared me for motherhood. No amount of advice, no books, or web pages could have told me that even though it's probably one of the most frightening experiences, parenthood is by far the most rewarding thing anyone can do.
One of the questions they asked me is if she vocalizes towards us and if she initiates vocalization. Both answers were yes and I got to thinking about what she would be saying as she goos and gahs at me. I wonder is she is telling me about her day at daycare or telling me that she loves me. And then she smiles and no matter how common place it is to smile I get the biggest grin on my face. And when I tickle her and she laughs I get hysterical. Are all new parents like this?
Do all parent's delight in the mundane of games like peek-a-boo? I find myself telling her about my day even though I know she doesn't understand. A year ago when I first found out I was pregnant nothing in a millian decades could have prepared me for motherhood. No amount of advice, no books, or web pages could have told me that even though it's probably one of the most frightening experiences, parenthood is by far the most rewarding thing anyone can do.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Have you ever woke up one morning and wondered how you got to where you are today? Have you ever analyzed what decisions you've made and how different life would be if you chose something different? And if you have and you had the opportunity to do it again would you change something so that your life would be different?
I woke up this morning and realized that in 5 days Lizzy will be 4 months old. She gets her next round of immunizations next Friday and her pictures at 1 day old look nothing like her pictures at 3 months old.
I titled this Blog "The Ups and Downs" cause that's what life is filled with - ups and downs. And that's what I intend to share with everyone who takes the time to read this as I start posting more.
My Dad leaves tomorrow for a 2 week long trip to Germany to visit my sister - could you picture my dad a world traveller? It's kinda funny - he's planning to spend a week with my sister and her husband and then rent a motorcycle and take a week long ride through Germany possibly heading into other countries - depends on the weather. He's so excited. It's been a while since I've seen him this excited.....
Then I start thinking that the week after he returns is my mom's birthday - October 31st. And I get sad. I had a crying jag a few nights ago over it - first one I've had in 5 months (since Mother's Day). It's hard for me to think that she'll never be there to watch Lizzy grow up and then I think that it must be 10 times harder for my dad. We've resigned ourselves to the fact that Vanessa will never understand just how lucky she was that mom was around via computer or phone to give her advice and help her out. I know everyone had said "If you need anything let me know" but it's just not the same. This coming Friday as I leave the pediatrician's office with my sad and hurt baby girl I'll think of the last time and realized that when she cries and cries and runs a fever and feels bad later that night my mom will watch me and be proud because I'm raising the prettiest little girl and she's happy. Not just smile at mommy and daddy happy but real honest to goodness I have the world on my shoulders happy and i'm looking forward to exploring it. And when she's old enough to understand I'll tell her one of my bestest friends in the whole wide world was Grandma Brabbs and while she can't be here to watch her grow up she's looking after her and wants to be her best friend.
I've always thought to myself "May life be filled with more ups than downs" This is one of my downs and it's probably the hardest one I'll ever deal with. Every once in a while I get reminiscent about the last year and get sad but the good days definately outweigh the bad and I'm not traveling in some deep seeded depression over it cause I have ups too. I have friends that love me and my little girl and I don't know what I would do without them.
So Thank You - for all you do - day in and out. Even though we don't see each other every day I want everyone of you to know that my friends make me strong. They make me believe and give me hope. My friends are Ups in life and I don't know what I would do without each and every one of you.
I woke up this morning and realized that in 5 days Lizzy will be 4 months old. She gets her next round of immunizations next Friday and her pictures at 1 day old look nothing like her pictures at 3 months old.
I titled this Blog "The Ups and Downs" cause that's what life is filled with - ups and downs. And that's what I intend to share with everyone who takes the time to read this as I start posting more.
My Dad leaves tomorrow for a 2 week long trip to Germany to visit my sister - could you picture my dad a world traveller? It's kinda funny - he's planning to spend a week with my sister and her husband and then rent a motorcycle and take a week long ride through Germany possibly heading into other countries - depends on the weather. He's so excited. It's been a while since I've seen him this excited.....
Then I start thinking that the week after he returns is my mom's birthday - October 31st. And I get sad. I had a crying jag a few nights ago over it - first one I've had in 5 months (since Mother's Day). It's hard for me to think that she'll never be there to watch Lizzy grow up and then I think that it must be 10 times harder for my dad. We've resigned ourselves to the fact that Vanessa will never understand just how lucky she was that mom was around via computer or phone to give her advice and help her out. I know everyone had said "If you need anything let me know" but it's just not the same. This coming Friday as I leave the pediatrician's office with my sad and hurt baby girl I'll think of the last time and realized that when she cries and cries and runs a fever and feels bad later that night my mom will watch me and be proud because I'm raising the prettiest little girl and she's happy. Not just smile at mommy and daddy happy but real honest to goodness I have the world on my shoulders happy and i'm looking forward to exploring it. And when she's old enough to understand I'll tell her one of my bestest friends in the whole wide world was Grandma Brabbs and while she can't be here to watch her grow up she's looking after her and wants to be her best friend.
I've always thought to myself "May life be filled with more ups than downs" This is one of my downs and it's probably the hardest one I'll ever deal with. Every once in a while I get reminiscent about the last year and get sad but the good days definately outweigh the bad and I'm not traveling in some deep seeded depression over it cause I have ups too. I have friends that love me and my little girl and I don't know what I would do without them.
So Thank You - for all you do - day in and out. Even though we don't see each other every day I want everyone of you to know that my friends make me strong. They make me believe and give me hope. My friends are Ups in life and I don't know what I would do without each and every one of you.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Fun Work
Sounds like an oxymoron, doesn't it? Well in a way it kinda is. I'm not sure how many other people will find this as interesting as I did but I just have to tell everyone.
If you don't like snakes you can stop reading now. I happen to love snakes but that's in part to the fact that my office sees 75% cats/dogs and 25% just about everything else.
Last Friday (on my day off of course) a guy brought in his pet Green - a green tree python. She's about 4 feet long and weighs 5 pounds. She's beautiful. If I can get the pictures from my doctor I will post them. Anyways she came in for not eating and strange behavior. Not very uncommon considering most people don't really know how to duplicate a rain forest for a snake in their own homes. We did an exam and come to find out we felt items in her abdomen. We took x-rays and found she had 7 eggs in her belly (she's never been bred)!
You see snakes just like humans can produce eggs all the time but do not actually have babies unless the eggs are fertilized. I'm most cases though the eggs do not even grow to be full size. Green is what we call "egg-bound" meaning for some reason she can't lay the eggs and they get trapped. And the only way to remove them is through surgery. So that's what I got to assist in on today - a snake spay!
Ok so I realize I sound really excited and you are probably sitting there thinking she's really weird but come on part of you is thinking "kinda neat"
I promise not to relay dozens and dozens of "work" stories but I thought that was kinda cool.
On a more appealing note - Lizzy's daycare took pictures back around the beginning of Sept and we got them back yesterday. I'll try to have John either post a copy on the website or I'll post one here. I have copies for everyone I just need to either see you or get stamps.
Also I was wondering what everyone's plans were for Halloween?
If you don't like snakes you can stop reading now. I happen to love snakes but that's in part to the fact that my office sees 75% cats/dogs and 25% just about everything else.
Last Friday (on my day off of course) a guy brought in his pet Green - a green tree python. She's about 4 feet long and weighs 5 pounds. She's beautiful. If I can get the pictures from my doctor I will post them. Anyways she came in for not eating and strange behavior. Not very uncommon considering most people don't really know how to duplicate a rain forest for a snake in their own homes. We did an exam and come to find out we felt items in her abdomen. We took x-rays and found she had 7 eggs in her belly (she's never been bred)!
You see snakes just like humans can produce eggs all the time but do not actually have babies unless the eggs are fertilized. I'm most cases though the eggs do not even grow to be full size. Green is what we call "egg-bound" meaning for some reason she can't lay the eggs and they get trapped. And the only way to remove them is through surgery. So that's what I got to assist in on today - a snake spay!
Ok so I realize I sound really excited and you are probably sitting there thinking she's really weird but come on part of you is thinking "kinda neat"
I promise not to relay dozens and dozens of "work" stories but I thought that was kinda cool.
On a more appealing note - Lizzy's daycare took pictures back around the beginning of Sept and we got them back yesterday. I'll try to have John either post a copy on the website or I'll post one here. I have copies for everyone I just need to either see you or get stamps.
Also I was wondering what everyone's plans were for Halloween?
Sunday, September 24, 2006
This Weekend
So I spent all weekend at the SWVS (Southwest Veterinary Symposium). Ok so it's exactly like it sounds. Lots of vets, techs, and students getting together to here lectures by other vets, techs, and students. Throw in the obligatory exhibit hall with 200 random vet medical equipment and suppliers and you have the SWVS. I had great fun and learned alot but there were a few things I would change for the next time I go. A backpack for one. They give you a bag to cart stuff around in but if you've ever been to a show at an exhibit hall you know that you get about 15 times the amount of stuff than you can carry and then have to truck it all up a parking garage or random pot-hole filled parking lot. And of course the book with all the information about all the lectures called "The Proceedings" weighs an additinal 20 pounds. The other thing is that I was up at 6:00 am both Friday and Saturday so I could drag my ass all of the way out to Ft. Worth (next year it's in Dallas!).
Regardless of all that I would go again in a heartbeat. I got to meet sooooo many interesting people and I learned a ton although I only had time to attend 4 lectures (they were each 4 hours long.) And I also had the opportunity to meet with professors from Texas A&M and Cedar Valley Vet Tech Distance Education. And after thinking long and hard this Sunday while my sore muscles took a break I've decided to hold off on Vet School and look into the Distance Learning certification from Cedar Valley.
It works like this. You talk to the doctors at the place you work at and one of them agrees to essentially be your mentor and preceptor while you attend classes online and through the clinic. I never even have to set foot in a classroom until my Level 4 classes which will be in 3 years. And in the end I take a State Exam and become a Registered Veterninary Technician. And the best part - my work pays for it all!!! And that way I can wait a few years on vet school since I really can't afford not to work right now and I don't have all that much time for classes. Enrollment begins in November and I already have my paperwork filled out! I'm sooo excited!
So everyone wish me luck
Regardless of all that I would go again in a heartbeat. I got to meet sooooo many interesting people and I learned a ton although I only had time to attend 4 lectures (they were each 4 hours long.) And I also had the opportunity to meet with professors from Texas A&M and Cedar Valley Vet Tech Distance Education. And after thinking long and hard this Sunday while my sore muscles took a break I've decided to hold off on Vet School and look into the Distance Learning certification from Cedar Valley.
It works like this. You talk to the doctors at the place you work at and one of them agrees to essentially be your mentor and preceptor while you attend classes online and through the clinic. I never even have to set foot in a classroom until my Level 4 classes which will be in 3 years. And in the end I take a State Exam and become a Registered Veterninary Technician. And the best part - my work pays for it all!!! And that way I can wait a few years on vet school since I really can't afford not to work right now and I don't have all that much time for classes. Enrollment begins in November and I already have my paperwork filled out! I'm sooo excited!
So everyone wish me luck
The Beginning
So it's happened. I broke. I folded. I gave in.... :(
OK so not too concerned over that but I've been trying to be really good about visiting everyones blogs and keeping up with everyones life and so far I've been able to really sit down and read everything about once a week. So I started thinking....if I can sit down and read everyone else's blog once a week how about if I take another 5 minutes and work on one of my own. So this is it's trial run. Don't expect too much yet as I'm just learning and right now I'm at the bottom of the curve but we'll see. I am also not making any promises as to how often I will post but I will try to keep it up-to-date.
OK so not too concerned over that but I've been trying to be really good about visiting everyones blogs and keeping up with everyones life and so far I've been able to really sit down and read everything about once a week. So I started thinking....if I can sit down and read everyone else's blog once a week how about if I take another 5 minutes and work on one of my own. So this is it's trial run. Don't expect too much yet as I'm just learning and right now I'm at the bottom of the curve but we'll see. I am also not making any promises as to how often I will post but I will try to keep it up-to-date.
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